Ănnu en fin recension av musikbloggaren Tom Arvidsson som sĂ„g mig spela i lördagsâš
âHur var dĂ„ invigningsframtrĂ€dandet...? Jo, sĂ„ himla bra att jag nĂ€stan började grĂ„ta av glĂ€dje. Hennes Ă€rliga och djupa funderingar, samt spĂ€nnande melodier och glĂ€djefyllda framtrĂ€dande blir en sĂ€llsynt lyckad kombination. Att hon dĂ€rtill sjunger rysligt bra hjĂ€lper ju ocksĂ„ till.â
LÀs hela hans fina recension pÄ hans blogg "Thirsty Boots": https://thirsty-boots.blogspot.com/2024/08/att-leva-sin-drom.html
Stort TACK till alla som kom! Vi ses igen 17 Augustiâ€ïž
Biljetter till 17 Augusti: https://billetto.se/e/garden-concert-lor-17-aug-biljetter-1029004
Bild tagen av Tom Arvidsson.
Another wonderful review by the music blogger Tom Arvidsson who came to the concert last saturdayâš
"How was the grand opening concert....? It was so great that I almost cried with joy. Her sincere and deep thoughts, her exciting melodies and joyous performance become a rare successfull combination. That she sings incredibly good helps too"
Read his whole review on his blog "Thirsty Boots": https://thirsty-boots.blogspot.com/2024/08/att-leva-sin-drom.html
THANKS a lot to everyone who came! See you again the 17th of Augustâ€ïž
Tickets to the 17th of August: https://billetto.se/e/garden-concert-lor-17-aug-biljetter-1029004
Picture taken by Tom Arvidsson.