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Skribentens bildKarin Kardia

Wonderful reviews🙏

Uppdaterat: 11 aug. 2024

Ännu en fin recension av musikbloggaren Tom Arvidsson som sĂ„g mig spela i lördags✹

”Hur var dĂ„ invigningsframtrĂ€dandet...? Jo, sĂ„ himla bra att jag nĂ€stan började grĂ„ta av glĂ€dje. Hennes Ă€rliga och djupa funderingar, samt spĂ€nnande melodier och glĂ€djefyllda framtrĂ€dande blir en sĂ€llsynt lyckad kombination. Att hon dĂ€rtill sjunger rysligt bra hjĂ€lper ju ocksĂ„ till.”

LÀs hela hans fina recension pÄ hans blogg "Thirsty Boots":

Stort TACK till alla som kom! Vi ses igen 17 Augusti❀

Bild tagen av Tom Arvidsson.


Another wonderful review by the music blogger Tom Arvidsson who came to the concert last saturday✹

"How was the grand opening concert....? It was so great that I almost cried with joy. Her sincere and deep thoughts, her exciting melodies and joyous performance become a rare successfull combination. That she sings incredibly good helps too"

Read his whole review on his blog "Thirsty Boots":

THANKS a lot to everyone who came! See you again the 17th of August❀

Picture taken by Tom Arvidsson.

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